Sunday, July 24, 2016

Honey Orange Roast Ribs 蜜汁烤排骨

Althought I'm not a big fan of BBQ food, I have always like barbecue ribs; juicy, aromatic pork ribs... I could never resist. As I was craving for it badly last night (and I've no idea why), I decided to make some roast ribs for lunch, plus some drumsticks which are the kiddos' absolute favorite.

So we had double roast for lunch today - honey garlic roast drumsticks and orange honey roast pork ribs, served with a big plate of mixed fruit salad.

My juicy rib... nom-nom

Paired with tangy fruit salad, less guilt.. ;-)

Serving size: for 2-4 person
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Roasting time: 45 minutes

• 1/2 dozen pork ribs, cleaned

For Marinate
• a pinch of salt  
• a dash of pepper 
• a pinch of brown sugar 
• 2 tablespoon of premium soy sauce
• 1 tablespoon Shao Xin wine
• 1/4 Orange, squeezed.

• a tablespoon of honey for brushing
• extra basil leaves for garnishing

The Making:

1. Rub the ribs with salt and pepper, add in the rest of the marinate and mix well. Keep refrigerated for at least 30 minutes, turn the ribs occasionally to make sure they absorb the marinate thoroughly.

2. Preheat oven to 180°c, roast the ribs in a non-stick tray for 25 minutes.

3. Remove ribs from oven, turn to the other side and brush generously with honey, then pour the orange juice all over the ribs.
4. Continue roasting for another 15-20 minutes until the ribs turn golden brown. Your kitchen will be filled with such irresistible aroma by now. 

That's it, your juicy roast ribs are done. When serving, don't forget to pour the remaining gravy in the tray over the ribs, they are absolutely delicious. 



  1. Hi, Your Honey Orange Roast post is use full for me. I want to make this. and I hope that it will be a tasty for my family

  2. Sorry Jin, love your invitation but i have not been actively blogging nowadays as you can see how late i reply :s
